NCEED Research
A List of Scholarly Publications by NCEED Staff and affiliates
Featured Research
“At the end of the day, someone done lost their child”: A mixed methods analysis of Black families’ experiences of the sociopolitical climate
How Black Americans in the United States (U.S.) make sense of a sociopolitical climate marked by racist imagery, tensions, and police violence is important to understand given the numerously documented detrimental effects of racism-related stress on the well-being of Black parents [...]
Message received: Concordance between parents and children in perceptions of messages about race and ethnic identity development.
The objective of this study was to examine the agreement between African American and Latinx parents and their school-age children regarding the amount of ethnic–racial socialization (ERS) parents provided and relations to youth ethnic–racial identity development. Method: The sample included 353 [...]
Changes in Ethnic Identity in Middle Childhood: Family and Neighborhood Determinants
The present study examined changes in ethnic and racial identity (ERI) over one year among 353 Black and Latino early adolescents in relation to ethnic-racial socialization (ERS) and neighborhood economic and demographic characteristics. Parent and child reports of ERS were collected, [...]
Anderson, L. A. (2024, February 8). (Re)imagining dialogues about race with Black families and clinical Implications [Conference presentation]. University of Chicago Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience Grand Rounds, Chicago, IL.
Gibson, S. (2023, June). Introduction to science of reading [Panel presentation]. Baltimore City Public Schools, Baltimore, MD.
Gibson, S. (2023, September). Science of reading tutoring program [Invited speaker]. Brown Memorial, Baltimore, MD.
Gibson, S. (2024, February 28). Science of reading training day [Invited speaker]. Prince George’s County Public Schools, Prince George’s County, MD.
Gibson, S. (2023, November). Right to read screening [Panel presentation]. Prince George’s County Public Schools. Prince George’s County, MD.
Gibson, S. (2024, April 11-14). That rope is heavy as all get out and still not thick enough: Black candidates’ responses to SOR training and tutoring [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Gibson, S. (2024, February 16-18). Black candidates’ responses to SoR training and an aligned tutoring experience [Conference presentation]. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Denver, CO.
Gibson, S. (2023, October 26). It’s Time to Get Excited about Mathematics [Invited speaker]. Center for Mathematics and Science Education, “Lights on Math in Maryland,” Earl G. Graves School of Business, Baltimore, MD.
Morgan, E. H. (2024, July 10). Voices of resilience: Black family autism advocacy [Invited Speaker]. NIH Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, Washington DC.
Morgan, E.H. (2024, November 4). Roots and wings: Embracing heritage and supporting black families of children with developmental disabilities modules [Invited Speaker]. Association of University Centers in Disabilities National Conference, Washington DC.
Williams, D. (2023, November 17). The changing landscape of teacher education: Considerations for mathematics educators and teacher leaders [Panel presentation]. Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators, New Orleans, LA.
Williams, D. (2024, April 20). Mitigating violence in schools through educational leadership [Virtual panel presentation]. The Inaugural Dr. Paul Vance and Robert E. Hatchell Educational Research and Practice Conference, Online.
Williams, D. (2024, April 27). Leading in the present with eyes on the future [Invited Speaker]. The School Club’s Leadership Empowerment Conference, Bowie, MD.
Williams, D. (2024, April 27). Creating your own career pathway [Invited Speaker]. The Baltimore City Public Schools’ Leadership Symposium, The School Club’s Leadership Empowerment Conference, Baltimore, MD.