Maryland student achievement scores on the 2024 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) showed modest improvement in mathematics and continued progress in reading.
Known as the Nation’s Report Card, NAEP is a congressionally-mandated biennial assessment of fourth and eighth grade reading and math performance. NAEP is the only test administered nationwide that allows direct comparison of student achievement across states and participating districts.
Maryland NAEP scores and state rankings have dropped sharply over the last decade. This year, reading results held steady, similar to the trends observed on the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) proficiency rates.
“We still have a long way to go, but there’s reason to feel hopeful about our results,” said Dr. Carey M. Wright, State Superintendent of Schools. “Our literacy investments in the Science of Reading are paying off and our youngest learners are rebounding in mathematics. We have deeply committed teachers in Maryland, and we are going to continue investing in them. Our government and philanthropic partners are showing their trust in our work through more funding and grants.”
“Today’s achievement results indicate steady progress across the board, signaling that equitable investments in public education through the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future are beginning to pay off,” said Dr. Joshua Michael, State Board of Education President. “And, we are encouraged by the promising results in early literacy, where we’ve focused our attention and resources.”
The State Board set a statewide aspirational target for Maryland to rank among the top 10 states in reading on the fourth- and eighth-grade National Assessment for Educational Proficiency (NAEP) exams by 2027. Although results have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, Maryland has improved its ranking among other states for each grade and subject:
- Grade 4 Reading — Moved up to 20 from 40
- Grade 8 Reading — Moved up to 21 from 25
- Grade 4 Mathematics — Moved up to 39 from 42
- Grade 8 Mathematics — Moved up to 38 from 42
“I have no doubt that with time and strategic investments in evidence-based practices, we will continue to see more improvement — and close the gap between our highest and lowest performing students,” said Dr. Wright.
Last fall, the State Board of Education approved a comprehensive statewide literacy policy for prekindergarten through third grade to anchor instruction, interventions and learning objectives. Similar work will begin this year to develop a mathematics policy.
MSDE has received substantial investments from philanthropic partners to urgently improve teaching and learning:
- More than 5,000 teachers and administrators statewide have accessed high-quality professional development aligned to the Science of Reading through a $6.85 million, four-year grant from nonprofit Ibis Group.
- MSDE received a $40.3 million, five-year grant award from the U.S. Department of Education to support third-grade literacy proficiency through the development and implementation of evidence-based interventions and supports. This initiative is designed to help students meet key literacy milestones and ensure equitable access to high-quality instruction and resources.
- MSDE is collaborating with Arnold Ventures and Saga Education, a nonprofit leader in high-impact mathematics tutoring, a small-group method that addresses issues of learning loss and educational disparities in high-poverty schools.
- MSDE is also working on an initiative to improve effective mathematics and reading instruction through a planning grant from the Walton Family Foundation