Dr. Darryl L. Williams, Professor of Practice and Assistant Director (School Leadership) for NCEED, participated in a panel discussion titled “Literacy, the Election, and Multicultural Greek Organizations: What Will We DO?” sponsored by the Multicultural Alumni Reunion at American University, Washington, DC. This annual event celebrates the diverse cultural identities of the alumni community.  2024 marked the 70th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education. This landmark Supreme Court Decision’s goal was to improve accessibility to African American students, which, over time, ultimately impacted students of all identities. Since then, literacy rates for students of color and marginalized groups have risen but are now sharply declining, especially when compared to students in the majority. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated that decline. With a historic election approaching in less than six weeks, multicultural fraternities and sororities have an opportunity and responsibility to positively impact future generations and ensure the success of our nation in the years to come. What does this look like, and what key actions can we leverage to move the needle in the opposite direction?