
NCEED Research

A List of Scholarly Publications by NCEED Staff and affiliates

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Anderson, L. A. (2024, February 8). (Re)imagining dialogues about race with Black families and clinical Implications [Conference presentation]. University of Chicago Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience Grand Rounds, Chicago, IL.

Gibson, S. (2023, June). Introduction to science of reading [Panel presentation]. Baltimore City Public Schools, Baltimore, MD.

Gibson, S. (2023, September). Science of reading tutoring program [Invited speaker]. Brown Memorial, Baltimore, MD.

Gibson, S. (2024, February 28). Science of reading training day [Invited speaker]. Prince George’s County Public Schools, Prince George’s County, MD.

Gibson, S. (2023, November). Right to read screening [Panel presentation]. Prince George’s County Public Schools. Prince George’s County, MD.

Gibson, S. (2024, April 11-14). That rope is heavy as all get out and still not thick enough: Black candidates’ responses to SOR training and tutoring [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Gibson, S. (2024, February 16-18). Black candidates’ responses to SoR training and an aligned tutoring experience [Conference presentation]. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Denver, CO.

Gibson, S. (2023, October 26). It’s Time to Get Excited about Mathematics [Invited speaker]. Center for Mathematics and Science Education, “Lights on Math in Maryland,” Earl G. Graves School of Business, Baltimore, MD.

Morgan, E. H. (2024, July 10). Voices of resilience: Black family autism advocacy [Invited Speaker]. NIH Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, Washington DC.

Morgan, E.H. (2024, November 4). Roots and wings: Embracing heritage and supporting black families of children with developmental disabilities modules [Invited Speaker]. Association of University Centers in Disabilities National Conference, Washington DC.

Williams, D. (2023, November 17). The changing landscape of teacher education: Considerations for mathematics educators and teacher leaders [Panel presentation]. Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators, New Orleans, LA.

Williams, D. (2024, April 20). Mitigating violence in schools through educational leadership [Virtual panel presentation]. The Inaugural Dr. Paul Vance and Robert E. Hatchell Educational Research and Practice Conference, Online.

Williams, D. (2024, April 27). Leading in the present with eyes on the future [Invited Speaker]. The School Club’s Leadership Empowerment Conference, Bowie, MD.

Williams, D. (2024, April 27). Creating your own career pathway [Invited Speaker]. The Baltimore City Public Schools’ Leadership Symposium, The School Club’s Leadership Empowerment Conference, Baltimore, MD.

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