Reshaping the Educational Landscape
The National Center for Elimination of Educational Disparities (NCEED) is committed to having a positive impact on academic achievement and equity in the Baltimore community, the State of Maryland, and the nation. In particular, NCEED’s work is focused on eliminating disparities in the educational outcomes of K-12 children. A national interdisciplinary research center, NCEED is driven by its mission to undertake research that addresses critically important questions related to the academic, social, and emotional outcomes of all children. Although the focus of our work is local, our contributions to educational knowledge will extend beyond Maryland to achieve national and global advances. We aim for the research and related interventions we develop to become a national model for addressing educational disparities nationwide.

Our Vision
Driving systemic change to transform public schooling and eliminate educational disparities in Maryland and beyond.
Our Mission
Conducting research that illuminates the causes and manifestations of educational disparities, NCEED designs and implements evidence-based interventions, builds coalitions, and mobilizes resources to eliminate these disparities.

Core Pillars
The Center’s research, interventions, and community outreach activities are aligned with six central pillars.
The six pillars are Family, Student, and Teacher Academic Resilience (fSTAR), Teachers and School Leaders, Curriculum and Pedagogy, Cultural Humility, Literacy, and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Psychological Well-being.
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